What Ella Jensen saw after death (and who called her back)

What Ella Jensen saw after death (and who called her back)

To watch this video on YouTube, click HERE. Video Transcript: This is the story of Ella Jensen — a Latter-day Saint girl who died and came back again with quite the story to tell. As a short disclaimer: Stories like these can understandably be hard to believe. I...
Will Studying Church History Destroy Your Testimony?

Will Studying Church History Destroy Your Testimony?

WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEO HERE. PODCAST TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to Keystone! On Keystone our goal is to fortify Latter-day Saint faith and combat misinformation through good old-fashioned research. I’m your host, David Snell. Let’s jump right in! So, I strongly believe that...
Satanic Symbols on Latter-day Saint Temples?

Satanic Symbols on Latter-day Saint Temples?

TO WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEO, CLICK HERE. PODCAST TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to Keystone! On Keystone, our goal is to fortify Latter-day Saint faith and combat misinformation through good old-fashioned research. I’m your host, David Snell. Let’s jump right in! Today, inverted...